Being a dairy farmer, there’s little time for just standing around. But being a dairy cow, there’s a lot of time to just stand and chew.– The narrator, early in this report
...all this makes being a dairy cow like being a dairy farmer: you’re certainly tied to the job.– The narrator
...a cow can belch enough methane during rumination to cook a hot dinner.– The narrator
Mutual licking forms part of a cow’s day. It’s a sign of contentment. If there's plenty of feed, the animals don't spend so much time browsing for grass; so they spend more time licking. And where you can’t lick yourself, you get someone else to do it for you.– The narrator
She's a champ. She's brought success to her breeders at a number of shows, but that's beside the point. On the farm, Dear's part of a herd. She has her rank or position, like any cow in any herd. throughout the country– The narrator introduces champion cow Jersey Glen Stylish Dear
Dear and the other cows have three main qualities in their personalities: their curiosity — a factor which is used to assist cattle slaughter at meat works — a substantial learning ability, and a strong sense of habit.– The narrator
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