It's an entertaining adventure film with a lot of ambition ... There are emotional hakas, stand-offs of the Māori persuasion and a stunt that is contrived but spectacular ... Director Sam Pillsbury is to be applauded for his enthusiasm, but Crooked Earth was uneven territory.– Charles Fairbairn, in Capital Times, 29 August 2001, page 6
Buy yourself a new mountain. We're taking ours back.– Kahu Bastion (Lawrence Makoare)
(Director Sam) Pillsbury manages a remarkable balancing act of objectivity: He neither glorifies Māori rituals as exotic, nor does he demean them. As a result, the film feels authentic and true to its origins.– Reviewer Lael Lowenstein in Variety, 3 December 2001
The world is full of assholes who think they're born to rule just because they're next in line.– Will (Temuera Morrison)
You stand in your pulpit preaching peace, love and bloody harmony, while the white oppressors cut the ground from under our feet.– Kahu (Lawrence Makoare) to Tipene (George Henare)
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