Satire Futile Attraction follows a dysfunctional reality television crew as they make a show about dating. The unfortunate 'couple' being manipulated for the cameras are a phone-obsessed nerd, and a woman consumed with being ecologically sound. In real life, director Mark Prebble became the first New Zealander to get funding for his movie via an online crowdfunding campaign (as detailed in the making of video). Alongside lead actors Danielle Mason (Black Sheep) and Peter Rutherford (Event 16), the late Alistair Browning shines as a smarmy television host.
We shot it in 13 days, wrapped early every day but one where we went over by five minutes, came in under budget, and everyone was still talking to me at the end.– Director/co-writer Mark Prebble on his proudest achievements, Whoosh website, 2004
Twilight Productions
Mark Prebble
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