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Hahana - Two Episodes

Web (Full Length Episodes) – 2022

There have been a few challenges on TikTok that I've faced from people that say like 'Oh aren't you a Palagi?' or 'Aren't you a Pākehā?' Being Māori is not about what you look like or how much Māori you have in you. It does not matter what you look like.
– Makayla Mainini
It's just about doing something that is positive for young people. It was just a little idea to show people that there are good young people in every town. Heaps of talent that is just being overlooked.
– Blackout Media boss Vicki Makutu, in The Whanganui Chronicle, 10 August 2016
I posted a waiata called 'Tiaho Mai Rā', and this got quite a viewing and a lot of comments, and aroha and tautoko from everyone. So I thought that was really cool, and it made me want to do more. So from then, that's where I started to post more content.
– Makayla Mainini
Home means to me somewhere where I feel loved, appreciated and where there's a lot of happiness.
– Waiata Jennings defines 'home', in the Matariki special
So what's Matariki? Well, Matariki is the Māori name for the star cluster that some people know as Pleiades, Subaru, and the Seven Sisters. And when Matariki rises Māori use it as a marker to signal the start of the new year.
– Scarlett Manaia Te Aramakutu Morgan explains the basics of Matariki