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Hero image for I Am Innocent - Series One

I Am Innocent - Series One

Television (Full Length Episodes) – 2015

I think I dropped to the floor . . . My mother yelled out 'He's an innocent man'.
– Michael Smith on being found guilty in court, in episode two
If i was sitting in your position, why would my mum send those text messages? What has she got to gain from it? Nothing, except the fact that she knows it's going to reflect on me . . .Do you know how many 021 SIM cards she's bought in her time to stir s**t?
– Adam Kearns describes his mother Helen Milne's actions during a police interview, in episode four
She accused her mother of ritual satanic abuse in the way that her mother was a cult priestess. She accused her father of selling her body in the local pub, and she believed that money had changed hands.
– Rosemary Saunders recalls the list of abuses levelled at her husband and father-in-law, in episode six
You're seriously looking at me for this, aren't you? I didn't do it and yet you're looking at me and nobody else.
– Aaron Farmer in his police station interview, early in episode five
My first court appearance was in Youth [Court] . . . I wanted to look like an adult, but I had pigtails. I had pigtails going to court.
– Tania Vini on how young she was when she was accused of aggravated assault, in episode one
Yes, pour yourself an entire mug of brandy, because the most gut-wrenching show on television is back. I am Innocent is one of the most basic, yet effective, productions on our screens.
– Duncan Grieve reviews the first episode of the second season, The NZ Herald, 29 March 2017
...a desperate tale of tragic proportions. But it was told carefully and quietly, considering the hideous facts.
– Lin Ferguson reviews the second episode, The Whanganui Chronicle, 28 March 2015
Even when I was doing my interview, it was like [police officer] Cassidy was trying to put the words into my mouth. I'd say something and she'd twist it around again.
– Shane Cribb describes his first police interview, early in episode three
Now it's all out in the public arena if that's the right expression...and Eunice is going to make this programme and make these awful allegations.
– John Saunders recalls learning his sister was about to accuse him and his parents of abuse on national television, in episode six
So why would I go throw my whole life away by sending some stupid text messages? Seriously. I've got nothing to gain by sending any of those text messages.
– Adam Kearns refutes accusations during a police interview, early in episode four
We get these two blasted coppers turn up down the driveway. They'd flown up from Christchurch to arrest him. And I said "you've got the wrong person" and he said "oh, Mums always say that"...
– Bev Farmer remembers the arrest of her son Aaron, in episode five
I felt like nobody was listening, so I won't say anything.
– Aaron Farmer on reaching the point where he staying silent, while wrongfully imprisoned, in episode five