Ruia taitea, ruia taitea, kia tū ko taikākā, ko ahau anake! [shake off the sapwood and the strong heartwood remains!]– Te Roro-o-te-rangi's famous war cry
When I was growing up, I attended wānanga on Mokoia under the tutorship of Koro Mita. It sparked in me an interest for our ancestors, those that had fought, and those that had traversed our land.– Director Rangi Rangitukunoa, in an interview with Māori Television, 18 March 2016
As Māori, we should stand proud in telling our stories. Some people might think this programme is just about fighting, but actually it's also about our ancestors and bringing their stories back to life– Director Rangi Rangitukunoa, in an interview with Māori Television, 18 March 2016
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