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Hero image for Landscape - Friday in a Country Town (Tūākau)

Landscape - Friday in a Country Town (Tūākau)

Television (Full Length) – 1968

I live on a sheep farm about three miles from Tūākau. On our place we have 353 acres with over a thousand sheep. We have a few cows, and house cows and...quite a few lambs and some of them have been sold already....
– A local boy delivers the dreaded class speech
Alright, listening please? Let's sing that song about the pony...
– A primary school teacher makes it through a Friday afternoon with her class
Tomorrow night I'm going over to my sister's place for tea. There's quite a few of us going over. Then we're going to the tavern for a few drinks. And if I'm fit enough on Sunday I might have a game of golf.
– A machinist chats to her colleagues about her weekend plans
Well, it was just this way this morning when I was getting these sheep in, they were um...I had to go out in the car in a hurry to get them in, so I put the dog in the back and let him go out around the sheep, and as I was coming back it cut in front of me and I had to swerve and go into a drain.
– A local farmer talks his mechanic through the damage to his Zephyr Six
Geoff Tomlinson, owner of the local pub, opens up. He'll do good business today.
– Narrator Philip Sherry on the place that will see lots of custom come Friday night
Tū: to stand; ākau: shore, river bank. The reference may be to the high bluff on which the Alexandra Redoubt was built during the Waikato War, which lends a commanding view down the river.
– NZ History website on the likely origins of Tūākau's name