In Larger than Life Jo (Rebecca Hobbs, star of horror tale The Ugly) discovers her new house is inhabited by an array of mutant arachnids, each larger than the last. Kiwi writer/director Ellory Elkayem cleverly melds puppetry and digital effects to give his spiders maximum yuck factor, while the violin-fuelled soundtrack pays spirited homage to the 50s monster movies (Them!, Tarantula) which inspired the whole enterprise. After the success of this spider tale, Hollywood called: Elkayem answered with bug tale They Nest, and comical spider epic Eight Legged Freaks.
I think they're getting bigger because I was making a cup of tea in the kitchen and I heard this noise, and I came in here and there was this mess and these spider prints, and they lead to this hole in the bathroom where I think that maybe that's where it has its lair ... so what do you think?– Jo (Rebecca Hobbs) to the pest controller (Jeremy Callaghan)
Chopper Productions
Music composed by Byron Smith. Performed by the Auckland Sinfonietta Orchestra, conducted by Peter Scholes
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