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Loading Docs 2021 - Fifty Percent

Web (Full Length) – 2021

...he always always instilled in me that I could do anything ... and there was always potential and possibility.
– Amber Rhodes on her father, artist Pat Hanly
...even if I do get tested, even if I do get the disease, I will always hold on to wonder and joy and innocence...because it's all around us.
– Amber Rhodes
..facing hard decisions doesn’t mean it ruins your life, but how you react to that knowledge will change and strengthen you as a person.
– Michael Hanly on Huntington's Disease, The Spinoff, 26 August 2021
It almost feels like it's a fundamental choice around who you are ... attached to this simple blood test.
– Lillian Hanly
If you are a perfect human body, if you are a perfect soul, you never understand the beauty of care, you'd never understand the beauty of support. You don't understand love, because in those kinds of situations you really see if someone loves you and wants to stay with you and go through that. These pains make a life meaningful.
– Lillian's partner Farzad Zamani on the importance of supporting your partner in tough times
...if you test negative, you need to think about how you'll support those who have already tested positive.
– Lillian's mother Leonie Pihama
Part of not getting tested has been that "if you don't know then you don't know", you know? You can just carry on with your life. But as soon as you know, you can't turn that back.
– Amber Rhodes