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Marae - 2008 Election Special

Television (Full Length) – 2008

So this morning Aotearoa wakes up to a new, centre-right, National-led government, the first in nine years, and the shock announcement that outgoing Prime Minister Helen Clark will stand down as Labour leader before Christmas.
– Presenter Shane Taurima introduces this special
It was predicted during the election campaign that the Māori Party wouldn't get the middle class Māori vote. We've proved that wrong.
– Māori Party supporter Whetu Motane, in the second clip
John Key, he's our next Prime Minister. Should we be afraid? Should would be scared?
– Presenter Shane Taurima asks Māori Party MP Hone Harawia his opinion on the new Prime Minister
...Helen's been a great leader. She's had huge courage. I'm not surprised that she would stand up last night and take responsibility for the loss, even though my personal viewpoint is that she's a major thrust in the Labour Party. She is the one who has taken them through these three terms, and I was very sad . . . . because I've always held her in very high regard.
– Māori Party leader Tariana Turia on Helen Clark's resignation after Labour lost the election
I've been around long enough. The people have spoken.
– Parekura Horomia on winning his seat, but losing his role as Minister of Māori Affairs, in clip two