In this episode of the supernatural anthology series, Mataku co-creator Carey Carter unravels the tale of five childhood friends who reunite years later, for a fishing trip. Luke (Hemi Rudolph) takes his mates to a fishing spot that's "out of this world" — it's also worryingly close to a sacred island. The abrasive Ron (Geoffrey Dolan from Kai Kōrero) refuses to believe that a breach of tapu could be behind a strange run of events which sees their boat losing power, after a mysterious encounter at sea. But much worse awaits when the group are forced to spend the night on the island.
...there are still creatures unseen and unknown to man...things man may never understand.– Opening narration
Made with funding from NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho, with support from the NZ Film Commission and TV3
Traditional Māori instruments performed by Hirini Melbourne
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