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Hero image for Midweek with Holmes - Walkshorts

Midweek with Holmes - Walkshorts

Television (Full Length) – 1989

While he did not believe the fashion craze would make an proper comeback, the fundraiser was an acknowledgement of an "interesting time in New Zealand history" ... Participants could wear their finest walkshorts and socks combo, possibly a short sleeve shirt, elastic tie and roman sandals or slip-on shoes to celebrate the former trend, as well as supporting a great cause.
– Article on 'Walk Short Wednesday' fundraiser Andrew Moreton, The Southland Times, 10 December 2014
Quite simply it was jeopardising my marriage. My wife had said if I wore walk shorts and long socks just one more time, she would leave me.
– An anonymous Kiwi bloke on the seriousness of the situation
Oh don't get me, please, wound up on knee socks. I cannot stand them.
– One fashion retailer is glad to see the walk short/socks combination on the way out
Napier is the walk short capital of New Zealand. People here just love them. We just cannot get enough stock...
– A Hawke's Bay retailer on his region's embrace of the walk short
They're as unique as the tuatara. No other country's got quite our combination of dress shorts, knee socks and sensible shoes. But the New Zealand walk short's fast becoming a dodo...
– Reporter Anita McNaught opens her story about the death of the walk short