Featuring the voice talents of Lucy Lawless, Temuera Morrison and Rhys Darby, this animated feature follows a fictional creature on the run from a life of servitude on the farm. After learning that his fellow thoriphants used to stand upright, Mosley sets out to discover the secrets of his species. In the accompanying making of clip, American writer/director Kirby Atkins explains how he used recordings of his then seven-year-old daughter in the film. Made by Kiwi animation company Huhu Studios, Mosley marks the first official co-production between China and New Zealand.
For years it remained a private world, a story primarily shared by a father and daughter. When Leah Atkins was seven years old, Kirby decided he would record himself and his daughter playing the story as they had played it so many times before ... though Kirby went on to professionally record his voice for the movie, Leah's beautiful, unhindered performance is the very one you’ll hear in the final film...– Kirby Atkins' website, on the long gestation of his film
Huhu Studios
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