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Film (Trailer and Excerpts) – 2022

I remember 14 years ago watching the footage somehow on the TV3 news bulletin, and I remember thinking to myself 'what are those men in blue doing?' They were about to smash open the sliding door, and I remember also thinking that sliding door's open — if you want to talk to anybody in Rūātoki, the door is always open — all you need to do is knock.
– Writer/director Tearepa Kahi on the Tūhoe police raids, in an interview with Waatea News, 18 October 2021
We live in challenging times. Muru is a suitably wild ride in Tūhoe land. It reminds me that when the world goes crazy and things go wrong, then courage and love is what really matters in life. I am honoured to collaborate with Tearepa and Reikura because they are true champions of Māori storytelling. They work with heart and guts and a deep respect and joy for our living heritage.
– Actor and executive producer Cliff Curtis on working with director Tearepa Kahi and producer Reikura Kahi on Muru, in a 15 October 2021 press release
Muru is the first feature film to be funded under Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga — the NZ Film Commission’s He Pounamu Te Reo Māori Feature Film Fund under Te Rautaki Māori Strategy. Pou Whakahaere Karen Te O Kahurangi Waaka says that the funds committed to make films with majority Te Reo Māori and that support Māori storytelling to reach domestic and global audiences have been long overdue, marking a significant milestone for the sector....
– Press release for Muru, NZ Film Commission website, 15 October 2021
...a Merata Mita and Geoff Murphy spirit, a Tāme Iti authenticity and a Cliff Curtis commitment to craft.
– Writer/director Tearepa Kahi on the spirit behind Muru, in a 15 October 2021 press release
Muru is not a recreation of the events which occured on October 15th, but a story which weaves the deep past and the recent present together, in order to reach a place, we need now more than ever, greater understanding.
– Lead producer Reikura Kahi describes the film, in a 15 October 2021 press release
I heard the Government's looking for Tame Iti. Well, he's right here! Prepare yourselves! Prepare to stand!
– Tame Iti (playing himself), in the second excerpt
[Cliff] Curtis says he talked to Tame Iti about the fact many of the main events in the movie didn’t happen during the raid. Tame Iti’s response, he says, was the events didn’t happen chronologically, but they had happened. He was eluding to events 100 years before, in 1916 with the arrest of Rua Kēnana when two people died.
– Cliff Curtis in an interview with Radio New Zealand, 5 September 2022
Inspired by the police arrest of Rua Kēnana in 1916, the police arrest of Tame Iti in 2007, the police shooting of Steven Wallace in 2000, 'Toa' screenplay by Jason Nathan
– Closing credits note
[Writer/director Tearepa Kahi] uses poetic licence — as well an arsenal of techniques from the action and thriller genres — for a noble purpose: speaking truth to power. Despite the spectacle, it’s the human faces, particularly [Cliff] Curtis, that will linger most vividly.
– Luke Buckmaster in a three star review, The Guardian, 12 October 2022
...the A-List cast is dazzling, and the passion driving it seeps into every part of the film . . . they’ve turned over 100 years of events into just under two hours of cracking story, and one that will stand up to repeated viewings. Tūhoe won’t forget. And nor will you.
– Reviewer Simon Morris on Radio New Zealand show At the Movies, 7 September 2022