Part one of five from this full length television programme.
Part two of five from this full length television programme.
Part three of five from this full length television programme.
Part four of five from this full length television programme.
Part five of five from this full length television programme.
Riddled with old military tunnels, Auckland’s North Head has long been the focus of speculation. In this documentary Philip Alpers explores theories that a hidden tunnel network contains tonnes of decaying ammunition — and two old Boeing airplanes. Archeologist Dave Veart sets about finding the truth. The man responsible for closing the tunnels says there's nothing there; others recall seeing a plane. Filmmaker John Earnshaw is convinced of its existence. Earnshaw would spend years battling the crown in court, over claims of a breached agreement to search North Head.
I'm the man who was responsible for closing North Head, and I would be the one responsible for leaving any ammunition there. And I am a responsible person and I certainly am not aware that I even left one shell on North Head.– Former Major Reginald Nutsford
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