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Hero image for Neighbours at War - Series One, Episode Four

Neighbours at War - Series One, Episode Four

Television (Full Length Episode) – 2005

This is the path to power in New Zealand. It runs through a backyard in West Auckland. Key was just a minor figure at this point, just the local MP. Not yet a three term Prime Minister, the idol of Hosking, a saint to some, a pariah to others. Just a man on a stony driveway; wishing he was anywhere else, dreaming of bigger things.
– Duncan Grieve, The Spinoff, 24 September 2015
Neighbours: sometimes you want to invite them around for a cup of tea and a sandwich...a knuckle sandwich!
– From the narration
Astronauts often report that the earth looks very small from space. This dispute may seem trivial from the comfort of your living room, but to those involved it's something they have to live with every day.
– From the narration
Is David Ward God? And if he is, what does David Ward want?
– Narrator Bill Kerton asks the big questions
Like anything, it's best to try to resolve issues and nip them in the bud straight away.
– John Key