Part one of five from this full length documentary.
Part two of five from this full length documentary.
Part three of five from this full length documentary.
Part four of five from this full length documentary.
Part five of five from this full length documentary.
The credits from this full length documentary.
There is some phenomenal footage from that northern part of the war in Italy that hasn't been seen much in recent times. The Kiwis were really very effective fighters.– Producer Gary Scott
The Unknown Warrior is one of over 250,000 New Zealanders who served in overseas wars. He is one of over 30,000 who died in service. He is one of over 9,000 who have no known grave or whose remains could never be recovered.– From the RSA Return of the Unknown Warrior webpage
It [war service] is an experience that's close to us because these are people that are related to us, and it has a very powerful and enduring fascination. It's both a foreign experience but something that's [also] very immediate to us.– Jock Phillips muses on the surge in Anzac Day interest amongst young Kiwis
If you're reading about a battle and it says '20,000 died' ... you don't really realise what 20,000 is until you stand in the corner of a cemetery and look over 20,000 graves.– Wellington College student Tom Shillson reflects on the cost of war after visiting war graves in Europe
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