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Rud's Wife

Short Film (Full Length) – 1986

Of course, he got better as he got older. He used to turn his hearing aid right down so he didn’t hear a half of what was being said when the family came around.
– Nana (Yvonne Lawley)
We were both very nice people once.
– Nana (Yvonne Lawley)
My grandfather was a Christadelphian — a person who lives by the Old Testament. There were hundreds of things he didn’t approve of such as women wearing trousers, and he wouldn’t drive a car or allow radio or television in the house. He didn’t approve of sports so it was ironic one of his sons became an All Black.
– Director Alison Maclean, in an interview with Inner City News, 27 August 1986
This rebellious ending has to be one of the most satisfying conclusions to a New Zealand film.
– Deborah Shepherd on Rud's Wife, in her 2000 book Reframing: A History of New Zealand Film Women