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Rural Delivery - Series Two, Episode 10

Television (Full Length Episode) – 2006

We'd been livestock farming for years and thought we were doing alright but it wasn't till we got involved in another venture, like the grapes, that we found that we weren't making as much money as what we could make.
– Blenheim farmer David Ensor on the reason his farm is moving into grape growing
It's a fun experiment and it looks like it's got the opportunity to be 'win-win' for everybody, for the falcons, for the conservationists, for industry.
– Falcons for Grapes Project Manager Colin Wynn on the many benefits of the project
These falcons will only eat a couple of birds themselves per day so they're not going to annihilate vast amounts of birds but we hope that they'll be active in the vineyard, frightening birds so the birds won't be so able to settle down into a feeding pattern, that they'll have to be constantly aware that there's a predator in the area.
– Colin Wynn from Falcons for Grapes on the purpose behind the scheme