Shortland Street is a fast-paced serial drama...
A celebration of long-running soap Shortland Street,...
The infamous rap
Michael Galvin recalls his rap in the first clip
Another musical moment from this long-running soap
A hit song from Shortland St
The Shortland Street theme song gets updated in 2022
A musical film featuring Shortland actor Johnny Barker
A short film celebrating musicals
An early Kiwi movie musical
A Kiwi TV show which features lots of music
Extended interview with actor Michael Galvin
A similar 'all glam' set in this notorious TV awards show
A feature-length musical
A musical romance
A major wedding in this soap's history
Another 'iconic' Shortland Street moment
Another special episode of the show
Another major wedding on this show
Shortland Street makes a milestone
A partly te reo episode of this soap
A feature about the behind the scenes of a musical
A feature-length Kiwi musical
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