I miss my sisters. I miss my brothers. But we're in this together. Staying apart for each other.– Lyrics for 'Stay'
Recorded and filmed at everyone's homes!– The press release for 'Stay'
It's inspiring to see what can be achieved from lockdown in seven days! A fun project with an important message that utilised the full power of the internet.– Loop Media's Mikee Tucker (who produced 'Stay'), on the collaboration
We're seeing [coronavirus] case numbers go down and it would be easy to get more relaxed. People are getting hoha with it, keen to just bend the rules a bit go see someone or do something they miss doing ... Everyone must be getting quite itchy and it's a good way to celebrate the positive and also drive home the message: Don't stop now.– Anna Coddington, one of 'Stay's songwriters, on the inspiration behind the song, Stuff, 15 April 2020
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