Being one of five, we feel things even when we don't know or the others aren't there. So I've always said: imagine trying to feel different responses coming from four other people. The messages can get quite mixed up. It's the bond that twins have ... it's this quin bond.– Deborah
From time to time people would knock on the door and ask, 'when were the children on view?'– Karitane nurse Margaret Sadler
I used to take them down on a rope, for a walk: tie them together one after another.– Hilda Menzies, the Lawsons' grandmother
We used to have a lot of cats, I think we had 27 in the end. One day he just lined us up, and he shot all the cats in front of us.– Sam Lawson, on his abusive step-father
In a New Zealand hospital last week a wonder-struck mother wandered along a row of incubators and gazed down at her newborn quintuplets. [The birth] resulted from fantastic new drugs which enable barren women to conceive — and which are causing a veritable epidemic of quints, quads, triplets and twins around the world.– Life magazine, 13 August 1965
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