Short film The Haka gives the heartwarming true story of 'The Christmas Truce' a Māori twist. After receiving a tin of biscuits all the way from Aotearoa, a group of soldiers end up making unlikely friends with the enemy, after exchanging season's greetings across no-man's-land. Eventually, a ceasefire is called and the men socialise for the holiday, which shows both the similarities and differences between the two cultures. Released online on Anzac Day in 2021, the Wellington-made short screened at a festival of Australiasian films in the south of France, and was named Best Film at Kiwi festival Top of the South.
What do you think they're singing about?– A soldier wonders what the German songs mean
Izakariah Films
Izakariah Films
Closing credits version of 'God Defend New Zealand' performed by Cindy Ruakere, composed by John Joseph Woods (music), Thomas Bracken (lyrics) and Thomas Henry Smith (lyrics)
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