In its basic clothes, for all the world, it's essentially a cute little commuter, but even without hotting it up or lowering it down, a Mini can turn into a burning little beast if you know how to handle it properly.– Reporter Islay Benge on Minis
They had the ability to go very quickly from a to b, but you had to work away at them a bit because they were an introduction — to a lot of people — to front wheel drive, which was quite a different technique, very much oversteer with the throttle off and understeer with it on.– Motor racing driver Chris Amon on Minis
One of the cameramen — John Day — told me to stop smiling because I was supposed to be serious. It was pretty hard not to smile or grin...because it was so much fun.– Goodbye Pork Pie stunt driver Peter Zivkovic reminisces about working on the movie
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