William Shatner (Star Trek's Captain Kirk) presents this children's anthology series, entertaining a group of captivated kids with tales of fantasy and adventure. In this episode, Shatner spins the story of Emily Watson (Sarah Major) and her showman dad Sam (Simon Ferry). As they travel through small towns showcasing their magic act and peddling 'Dr Watson’s Magical Elixir’, they become entangled with mysterious healer Grizelda (Katherine Kennard). When Grizelda is accused of witchcraft, Emily and her father come to her aid. On discovering Grizelda might not be who she claims, it's up to Emily to come to the rescue.
Ever since time began there have been men and women who have claimed to harness the power of the supernatural. The women were called witches...– Storyteller William Shatner
Closing song 'Lay this Ghost to Rest', words and music by Simon May, Max Preece and Simon Lockyer
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